Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year

Well I would like to say that I did well in my devotions over the holiday but that would be lying. I did try to at least read a Proverb daily but some days I didn't even do that. And yes I noticed a change. It is so much easier to handle the little daily trials when you have spent time with the Lord. It's crazy and sad to me that Jesus is supposed to be the reason why I celebrate Christmas but He ends up being put on the back burner to shopping, presents, activities, etc. I hope and pray I do better at making Him the center of attention next Christmas.

So, it is January 4, 2011 and it is so refreshing to have a brand new year to start off right. It's fresh and clean with no huge mistakes in it yet. God has given me 365 days to serve Him, love Him, get closer to Him, and to do His will. I want to start this year off right by doing all the things I know I am supposed to be doing.

Over the last few weeks I have been really disturbed at people who call themselves Christians. It seems that Holy Living has gone by the wayside and has been replaced with Anything Goes. I am tired of not living a Holy life. Do we actually think that the unsaved world wants an Anything Goes Christianity. They don't, they want something different from what they have. They want the truth. That is why I started going to church so that I could learn how to be different from what I was. I respected the men and ladies that separated themselves for the Lord. That was 17 years ago and I am sorry to say that a lot has changed. So many people who I thought lived Holy only did it because that was the standard of the church or that was what their parents wanted. They never made a decision in their heart to obey the Holy Spirit. How sad is that?? Now it seems that standards have been thrown out the window and holiness just doesn't seem to matter. I am sick of it. I am so tired of it. Well, I want a change and it all starts with me. I want to learn what being Holy means. I want to bring back the convictions of my forefathers. Some may say that not all of their standards and convictions were biblical and some were just preference. And I say well that is a whole lot better than where we are now. Because now we don't have any. I would rather error on the side of caution.
So here it goes ~ A new year ~ A new start ~ A new life!!!!

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