Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nehemiah 12:43

Also that day they offered great sacrifices, and rejoiced: for God had made them rejoice with great joy: wives also and the children rejoiced: so that the joy of Jerusalem was heard even afar off.

If my rejoicing was put on the joy-ometer where would I fall? Would my joy be heard afar off. Sometimes my rejoicing is not even heard within my own home. God did a great work and the people rejoiced with GREAT JOY.

You know I hate to admit this but there have been times in my life where God has brought an answer to prayer or done a great work and I have been cold inside. Almost like it didn't make a difference if He had done it or not. I had to fake a response that was correct so as not to discourage others or so no one would know my true feelings. That scares me. I don't want to be apathetic to the blessings of Christ. Sometimes it was sickness, or being tired. Sometimes my walk with Him wasn't what it should be. Sometimes it was discontentment. Sometimes it was jealousy. Yes, these things are in me (the old man) just like they are in most other Christian women.

The one I have been thinking about lately is the sickness and tired. I believe that most women do not take proper care of themselves. We run around all day for our husbands and children and never stop to take time for ourselves. Now I firmly believe that we are to take care of our families and make sure they have the love and care they need. But I also am beginning to realize that my health and my heart need some TLC as well. I need to make sure I get the rest and exercise my body needs. I also need to make sure my heart gets the time with the Lord it needs. For my sanity I need to do something I enjoy as a stress reliever.

Now you probably ask the same question I do - "Ya that all sounds great but where in the world am I gonna find time to do that?" Especially if you work outside the home or homeschool or have a lot of kids. Or even if you have little ones. Well, you are probably not going to like my answer anymore than I did but maybe you have to get up earlier in the day before the children. Now I am not talking hours, maybe all you need is 15-30 minutes. Maybe during nap time you need to forget the cleaning (it will always be there anyway) and have some me time. A friend told me she has her kids do 15-30 minutes of quiet alone time each day depending on their ages. You may not get your personal time every day but you should get in your personal devotion time every day. If we don't we are going to battle with a butter knife.

I know I am using the word "you" have to do this or that. Believe me I am talking to myself here. This is something I need to work on. I have just realized that so many Christian women are sick, overweight, exhausted, or depressed. I think its because we don't take care of ourselves. How can we ever hope to reach our family and then be used to lead others to Christ if we are running on empty?

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