Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sunday Message from Ken Dean

Evangelist Ken Dean comes to our church every year for Thanksgiving. He always has a way of convicting my heart but he does it in such a kind way. On Sunday both messages were about our Christian Report Card. Grading yourself on your walk with God. Wow! I have to admit there is a lot of room for improvement in my life. If you would like to hear the messages go to http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/11168577

One statement he made on Sunday night was "Do you spend more time praising God each day or rebuking man?" Need I say more.

One other thing- God gave me the answer to something I have been struggling with but not really understanding how to solve. When it comes to have a scheduled prayer time I always seem to dread it and I would think to myself why in the world would I dread prayer? This is also how I felt toward making a daily schedule & being organized. This to is a good thing that I dreaded doing. I would almost feel a rebellion in my heart towards it. As I went forward to pray about my inconsistency in child rearing and prayer I asked the Lord to show what the real problem is. He asked me to think about where this problem might arise from, what is the root of the problem? I realized its laziness on my part. If I make a prayer list, schedule, etc then I am accountable to it. I can't do whatever I feel like doing I have to do what is scheduled. It also may be a little rebellion on my part as I have always seemed to buck at the system of things. I want my own way. I do have to say that for the most part I have overcome this but in just a few areas it still raises its ugly head. So this week is a week of scheduling, organizing, making a prayer list, getting up on time. Wouldn't you know it I started out the week with a head cold? LOL Oh well, I am not going to let this get me down.

These are just a few more areas that cause me to not have joy in my life. These are just a few more areas that I don't put my trust in the Lord. Praise the Lord for walking me through these things and patiently waiting for me to get them right. So thankful that His mercies are new each day.

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